Increase completed job applications

Improve candidates’ experience on your platform and significantly reduce drop off by owning the full candidate journey

Man in an office talking on a video call

How UBIO works for job boards

Your candidates discover jobs on your website, but then have to leave your platform in order to complete the application form. The redirect model causes friction within the candidate journey, and partner websites can often be poorly optimised for conversations, especially on mobile. All of this friction increases drop off rates and results in less completed applications.

UBIO enables your job board to bring the full end-to-end application experience directly onto your platform. It does this by automating the completion of the applications on your partner site, while the candidates remain on your job board, completing their application at the point of discovery.

This streamlining of the candidate experience gives you full visibility of the candidate journey, improves user experience and can increase completed applications by up to 50%.

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How it works

A flow diagram describing how Smart Actions for Job boards works

Facing an increasingly competitive landscape, job boards are turning to UBIO's automation solution to improve candidate experience, reduce drop off and improve conversion rates for completed applications. 

Increasing successful applications through automation

With a simple, easy-to-implement API, job boards are better able to support the candidate journey by removing the need to redirect candidates offsite in order to complete their application process.

Using deep tech automation technology, UBIO's solution enables job boards to streamline and own the applicant journey, reducing candidate drop off and differentiate from the competition.

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A man sits at a desk in front of a bright window, working on his computer
Hands typing on an illuminated computer keyboard in the dark

Increasing Job Listings

UBIO's Smart Feed technology is used by Google and trivago in the travel industry to access direct hotel rates. The technology has the capabilility to create a data feed of job listings, which can be used by job boards to increase their job inventory. Speak to us to learn more on Smart Feed.

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Job Board connectivity features

Easy-to-implement API

Managed API service

Works with large range of ATSs

No integration with the ATS

No additional integration required to add a new ATS

24/7 support

“Our experience with UBIO has been essential to our business. Their web automation technology enables us to increase conversion by offering our customers end to end bookings with multiple partners yet only a single API integration. Their customer support is also particularly responsive, ensuring that we can rely on their technology 24/7.”

Josh James, Chief Operating Officer, Snaptrip

Josh James, Snaptrip
A new approach to solving connectivity challenges for job boards & aggregators.

Full candidate journey visbility

UBIO's solution helps job boards track the full candidate journey from the initial job board to the final application submission.

Improve candidate experience

With no redirect, job boards can simplify and optimise the candidate experience resulting in fewer applicant drop offs and an increase in successful applications.

Grow market share 

With internet-scale coverage and a straightforward applicant experience, job boards can be more competitive as they strengthen brand and reputation.

Find out more about how UBIO can help your job board

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Insight & Opinion

UBIO's Top Events of 2024: Where to Find Us

Discover UBIO's Top Events of 2024! Join us at leading conferences, tech expos, and meetups to see how our connectivity technology is revolutionizing the job board and travel industries. Experience live demos, engage in workshops, and connect with our team.

Job Boards: How Automation Technology is transforming candidate experience

Job boards are revolutionising candidate experiences with UBIO's automation technology, minimising drop-offs and maximising completed applications. Discover the impact on user journey, brand equity, and revenue growth, empowering job boards to play a fundamental role in recruitment.

More choices, better experiences: How direct flight booking APIs impact user experience

Explore the evolving landscape of travel as we delve into the impact of direct flight booking APIs on user experiences. Discover how these APIs bridge the flight content gap, empower OTAs to offer competitive prices, and shape the future of flight booking.